Want To Stop Self-Sabotaging?

You know something—or someone—is “bad” for you, yet you do it anyway. Conversely, what do you know is good for you but don’t do? Eye-rolled yourself yet? Ha-ha.

For me, it’s strength training and mindfulness—the act of focusing on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.

So, why do we act against our own best interests? The culprit is often cognitive dissonance, a mental struggle between conflicting beliefs and actions. But how can understanding this help you make better choices that enrich your life?

Which of these examples of Cognitive Dissonance are true for you? I’d love to know! Please share in the comments if you’re willing.

  • You want to get healthier and fitter but skip exercise and healthy eating which, naturally leads to you feeling guilty and disappointed in yourself, again.
  • You’ve been wanting to quit smoking or excessive drinking but you justify it due to stress.
  • Saving for a rainy day is important to you but Takealot and lunches with your friends are your favourite pastime.
  • That long to-do list that will resolve a few things? Nah, have you heard of that new Netflix series that everyone is talking about?

Understanding these internal battles is crucial. But what can you do about it? Here’s one tool, below, that can help align your beliefs and actions.

First, if you’ve been trying to tackle this on your own and suspect that support, clarity, guidance, and accountability could help, you’re not alone! Join me in upcoming classes and events designed to help you level up, get unstuck, and take charge of your life:


  • In-person (LADIES ONLY): “Awaken the Phoenix Within” — Saturday, 28 September
  • Online: Vision & Manifestation 4-week series
  • In-person: Stress & Burnout half-day workshop
  • For Your Teams: Mental Health Awareness: Joni & Stacey (Reset)


Proven results: “Thank you for the incredible activating force you’ve been in my life since we started the coaching end of last year. Who I have become and continue to become leaves me really feeling proud. It has brought to life changes and a version of me that’s somehow been very elusive for a very long time.” — S’onqoba, CPO, Next176, Old Mutual

“There is something magical that happens when you have the support and guidance of someone that is able to hold and ignite your vision by giving you structure. Our sessions gave me the confidence and permission to be free to flow and experiment without worrying about getting it wrong.” — Edleen

So, what is the ‘tool’ I mentioned?


I know—it can be uncomfortable and draining. But what if all you need is a reframe of your perspective? Introspection can be fun and interesting. I use the full moon (isn’t she beautiful?!) as a routine opportunity to introspect: what is out of alignment, what is and isn’t working, what do I want more of and less of, who or what do I need to release, etc.

Here’s HOW TO do Introspection:

  • Mindfulness: We’ll be practicing this together next Saturday at “Awaken the Phoenix Within” and during our Vision & Manifestation 4-week series.
  • Visualization Exercise: I’ll guide you through this next Saturday at “Awaken the Phoenix Within” and during our Vision & Manifestation 4-week series.
  • Journaling: Reflect with these questions:
    1. What do I want most in life?
    2. What is life asking of me?
  • Seek external guidance and perspective: Interested in private coaching sessions? Let’s talk.
  • Take Just One Small Step: What is one small action you can take right now to align more closely with what you truly want?

Join me in this journey of self-discovery and positive change!

Featured image: randa-marzouk-ilwI-AIAQr4-unsplash

Written by Petra Laranjo

Hello, my name is Petra, a Clarity and Confidence Coach, Personal Brand specialist, inspirational speaker, author of 'Living On Purpose' self-help and career development book, founder of the JustOneThing365 social impact non-profit and #rescuedogmom.

19th September 2024

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