To quote from an excerpt from my book, ‘Living On Purpose’,
“According to a series of experiments by Princeton psychologists Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov, it takes less than a second to form an opinion of a stranger and additional time does not significantly alter those impressions.”
In order words, you don’t get a second chance at a first impression.
But what does ‘first impressions’ have to do with Purpose?
To clarify, when I speak about Personal Branding I’m referring to our Internal and External branding / image.
How you show up in the world is a direct result of your internal world – your thoughts, your self, and other beliefs.
Why does your Personal Brand need to be authentic?
Your personal brand helps you communicate who you are, what you believe in, what you stand for, and the legacy of impact that you want to create in the world.
It attracts your tribe, intentionally or otherwise. It determines how people respond to you and therefore the level of impact or influence they allow you to have i.e. leadership, both formally and informally.
An (authentic) Personal Brand = Your Purpose + Values + Mindset + Desired Impact
• What is your Personal Brand communicating about you?
• Is it positively or negatively impacting your personal & professional growth?
• What needs to change in order for you to accelerate your growth and achieve your desired outcomes?
If you’re unsure of how to answer the above, or the mere thought of it makes you squirm, book a free 15min discovery call here.
I’d love to help you create an authentic, consistent, relevant, and impactful Personal Brand that makes you feel inherently confident and sets you up for success.
I dare you to be bold, be courageous & step out of your comfort zone so that you can level up.
Spotlight on Robyn
This week we are celebrating Robyn Thomas, who shared this is our ‘Living On Purpose Book Club’ session on Monday.
“I’ve removed so many items from my wardrobe that doesn’t reflect how I want to show up.”
My role as a Personal Brand strategist is to help you align your Purpose, your values, and internal image so that you can effectively communicate your worth externally.
I’d love to encourage and support you in creating a life that (truly) inspires and fulfills you, personally and professionally.
My clients work with me because I help them break through their limiting beliefs. Why? Because until you start believing in yourself, you aren’t going to live an inspired, fulfilled, and happy life of impact.
I’d love to support you in showing up fully, for yourself, for your career or business.
Contact me here to set up a chat.
Featured image by Gaetano Cessati on Unsplash