2023, my year of YES. 2024, my year of MORE!

Reflecting on 2023: A Year of YES!

2023 has been my ‘year of YES,’ filled with unexpected adventures and exciting opportunities. Now, as I stand on the brink of 2024, I’m declaring it my ‘Year of MORE.’

This year I said YES to participating in stunt classes i.e. learning how to roll out of cars, down stairs, scale walls, play with swords and more.
I also said YES to creating a liberating 8-week Menopause Program for one of my global clients – a new creation for me.
I said YES to hiking up mountains, going on holiday, well-being experiences and more.

I’ve expected and joyfully received magic, miracles, ease, and inspiring experiences.

Embracing Conscious Change:
With YES’s came NO’s to anything or anyone that didn’t or doesn’t contribute to the energy I desire my life to be.

Saying NO to others’ requests has been both surprising and uncomfortable for some, but it’s a conscious choice to prioritize my needs and align my life with the energy I desire.

Change isn’t always easy, but conscious change opens up beautiful possibilities. I’ve grown, faced discomfort, and released control to welcome the imperfectly perfect.

Looking Ahead to 2024: Your Year of MORE!

As I gear up for a transformative 2024, I invite you to reflect:
– What are you ready to say YES to?
– What are you willing to let go of?
– What do you want MORE of in 2024?

Create and choose the vision for your life.

If you don’t know what the vision for your life is, may I invite you to join me in a personalized coaching journey to create a life and business aligned, inspired, fulfilling, joyful, and impactful.

Remember, “You are the only one that can keep you stuck in your life.” Let’s break those barriers together and make 2024 your Year of Limitless Possibilities.

Ready to say YES to MORE? Let’s connect and chart your path to fulfillment! 🚀✨
#personaldevelopment #lifecoaching #personalbrandcoach #inspirationalspeaker #motivationalspeaker #teambuilding #createyourlife #employeewellbeing

Written by Petra Laranjo

Hello, my name is Petra, a Clarity and Confidence Coach, Personal Brand specialist, inspirational speaker, author of 'Living On Purpose' self-help and career development book, founder of the JustOneThing365 social impact non-profit and #rescuedogmom.

13th December 2023

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