Have you ever felt as if your ‘get up and go’ got up and went?
Hi, how’re you doing this morning?
I’ll let you in on a lil’ secret. My ‘get up and go’, got up and crawled its way into a hole in the opposite direction!
I felt unmotivated, uninspired, tired, frustrated and uncomfortable in my skin. I didn’t like feeling like this and didn’t want to feel like this anymore. I just wanted to get back to my ‘old’ self.
Perhaps you’re thinking, “But Petra, you’re the Purpose chick. Your work is founded on how living a life of, and on, purpose is the key to living a fulfilled and inspired life of impact. You even – literally – wrote the book!”
Yes, I did write the book and it’s helped me and a thousand others to create a life and career that they love! And yes, I wholly believe that when you discover, connect with, and align your Purpose and values you can show up authentically and whole.
Here’s what went wrong.
You can’t pour from an empty cup’.
My cups were empty!
While my emotional and spiritual cups overflowed with my purpose, I’d neglected refilling them.
When your mind and soul are out of sync, your body follows. After 18 months of injuries, blinding migraines and bouts of mild depression, I feel like me again…not the ‘old me’ but a better me!
Craig made a comment which I 100% agree with: That perhaps I had to go through this so that I can support you more fully, from a place of ‘recent’ experience.
There’s a lot more to this story but I wanted to share my vulnerabilities with you here so that you know that it happens to all of us – even the Purpose chick 😉
PS> I have to mention that I had (the right kind of) support, which was key! I’m blessed with a tribe of friends, who are coaches, and helped me see my blind spots.
Special thanks to my dear friend Julie Courtnage who put on her formal coaching hat and supported me throughout. To Bronwen Cottle, Naomi Estment, and Kerryne Krause for your friendship and informal mentorship.
You see, even coaches need coaches!
So fill me up buttercup!
If you feel stuck, unmotivated, uninspired, and frustrated with the ‘new normal’, here’s just one thing you can do to refill your cup and create a better normal so that you can feel inspired, light, productive, focused and purposeful!
Answer this question, which has initially stumped many people I work with:
> Who do you want to show up as in the world? What does the best and most inspiring version of you look like?
Based on your current beliefs, thoughts, patterns, and habits, are you on the trajectory to becoming him or her – the person you want to show up as? Perhaps it’s time to re-invent yourself and your Personal Brand, inside and out, so that you can show up with impact!
If not, check out last night’s #WhyWednesday video on my IGTV where I speak what you can do to reset your internal satnav to get on the right track.
If you’re not on Instagram, let me know and I’ll give you the answer.
> Get support. The above step will get you started but a credible coach will help you get results quicker by giving you perspective, help you see your blind spots – something you cannot do on your own.
A coach can help you identify your limiting patterns because we read between the lines of what you say and don’t say.
Book a session with me or another recommended coach.
> Do something meaningful for someone else – be it for people and pets in need or for our planet. It’s Mandela Day next Saturday so join our incredible tribe of #dogooders as we do just one thing to make a positive impact www.justonething365.com / Instagram / Facebook.
Tag your friends, family, team, and organisation. Exciting initiatives will be uploaded tomorrow but follow us in the meantime so we’re on your radar.
Drop me a mail and let’s see how I can help you and your team show up fully!
From my heart to yours, stay safe, stay sane, and stay kind.
Much love,